Friday 6 February 2015

Task 1: Watch this video and then answer the following questions: 1. Who is William Hall? Why is it significant to mention him in this video? Answer: William Hall is the first Canadian sailor and the first Nova Scotion. Because he is the first black to receive the victoria cross. 2. Who was the first person to edit a newspaper in North America? Answer: Mary Ann Shadd Cary. 3. Find the meaning of the following words and then put them in sentences of your own: a. Contribution = means any one of a number of individual efforts in a common endeavor. Sentences: Robot can make contribution for human life. b. Aspects = means different type of the field Sentences: What aspects of this job you are interested for? c. Heritage = means something related with cultural and traditional Sentences: Great Wall is famous heritage in China. d. Ethnic = means people who belong to a particular racial or cultural group. Sentences: There are various ethnic people living together in Canada. e. Diverse = means various and different. Sentences: People from diverse cultures and they are talking with the same topic. Task 2: February is Black History Month to celebrate the identity and accomplishments of one of Canada's largest ethnic groups. Watch this second video and write what you think about it; don't exceed 50 words. To be honest, this is the first time that I heard February is black history month. Every Ethnic people have different history, but all of them are straggle to get equal treatment.