Friday 15 May 2015

Complete the sentences with one phrasal verb from the box below.

passed away, do without, look forward to, called off,  made up, carried away, break out, run out, put up with, keep up.
  1. Don't smoke in the forest. Fires  easily at this time of the year.
  2.  seeing my friends again.
  3. I'm afraid; we have  of apple juice. Will an orange juice do?
  4. Your website has helped me a lot to  the good work.
  5. A friend of mine has  her wedding.
  6. His mother can't  his terrible behavior anymore.
  7. As an excuse for being late, she  a whole story.
  8. I got  by his enthusiasm.
  9. I just cannot  my mobile. I always keep it with me.
  10. she was very sad because her father  last week.
Complete the phrasal verbs with the correct particles.
  1. I don't know where my book is. I must look                                                                                                                it.
  2. Fill   the form, please.
  3. The music is too loud. Could you turn  the volume, please?
  4. Quick, get  the bus or you'll have to walk home.
  5. Turn  the lights when you go to bed.
  6. Do you mind if I switch  the TV? I'd like to watch the news.
  7. The dinner was ruined. I had to throw it  .
  8. When you enter the house, take  your shoes and put   your slippers.
  9. If you don't know this word, you can look it  in a dictionary.
Complete the phrasal verbs according to their meanings in brackets.
  1.  your shoes.(Remove)
  2. Somebody has to  the baby. (Take care of)
  3. She wants to  the truth? (Discover)
  4. Where can I  the sweater? (See if it fits)
  5.  . (be quick)
  6. Why don't you  ? (Take a seat)
  7. I will  the train now. (Enter)
  8.  the word in a dictionary. (Consult a dictionary)
  9. I want to  the form. (Complete)
  10. The firemen  the fire.(Extinguish)

 Underline the correct answer. REMEMBER: Several responses might be acceptable - choose the best one:

1. She ___________ the red dress instead of the blue one.
a) put on b) placed on c) put off

2. He’s not at work today = He’s ___________ today
a) up b) on c) off/out

3. The prisoners were ___________ by the police.
a) taken away b) taken off c) taken on

4. I was ___________ ( = surprised) by his reaction.
a) taken away b) put on c) taken aback

5. You’re ___________! = You’re trying to trick me (* not in a bad way*)
a) putting me off b) putting me on c) putting me out

6. Jim was tired of digging, so his friend ___________.
a) helped him in b) helped him over c) helped him out

7. He ___________ his father = He’s similar to his father
a) takes after b) takes about c) takes after

8. He ___________ at 7:00 this morning.
a) woke about b) woke up c) woke in

9. To string someone ___________ means to keep someone in a state of deception or false hope. 
a) along b) around c) away

10. I don’t really know this city. Could you ___________ a bit? ( = show me where everything is)
a) show me inside b) show me around c) show me down

Wednesday 1 April 2015

Good morning everyone,

In order to make our speech/writing more colourful and vivid, we need to learn and practice the use of descriptive adjectives and adverbs.
Click on this link, go over the list there, and then answer the following questions:

Task 1:

Use at least 10 of these adjectives to describe yourself in a short paragraph.
I think that I am a soft and delightful person. Because I have a good relationship with my friend and always make joke with them, smiling is my expression. Also I am open and easy going person, when I talk with my friend, we also have a lot of echo-ey on the things. I like peaceful environment. I am honest and trustful. I prefer to organized and treat the things flexible.

Edited by 

I think that I am a soft and delightful person. Because I have a good relationship with my friend and always make joke with them, smiling is my expression. Also I am open and easy going person, when I talk with my friend, we also have a lot of echo-ey on the things. I like peaceful environment. I am honest and trustful. I prefer to organized and treat the things flexible.

Task 2:

Ask two of your classmates to read it and tell you his/her opinion and then they can add or change any adjective(s) that they feel is/are not relevant to you.

Task 3:

Look at this picture below and describe the person in it. You need to describe the surroundings, what she is thinking of, what you think is her emotional state, and what might have been going in her life. Write all in third person speaker (he/she/it).

Friday 6 February 2015

Task 1: Watch this video and then answer the following questions: 1. Who is William Hall? Why is it significant to mention him in this video? Answer: William Hall is the first Canadian sailor and the first Nova Scotion. Because he is the first black to receive the victoria cross. 2. Who was the first person to edit a newspaper in North America? Answer: Mary Ann Shadd Cary. 3. Find the meaning of the following words and then put them in sentences of your own: a. Contribution = means any one of a number of individual efforts in a common endeavor. Sentences: Robot can make contribution for human life. b. Aspects = means different type of the field Sentences: What aspects of this job you are interested for? c. Heritage = means something related with cultural and traditional Sentences: Great Wall is famous heritage in China. d. Ethnic = means people who belong to a particular racial or cultural group. Sentences: There are various ethnic people living together in Canada. e. Diverse = means various and different. Sentences: People from diverse cultures and they are talking with the same topic. Task 2: February is Black History Month to celebrate the identity and accomplishments of one of Canada's largest ethnic groups. Watch this second video and write what you think about it; don't exceed 50 words. To be honest, this is the first time that I heard February is black history month. Every Ethnic people have different history, but all of them are straggle to get equal treatment.

Monday 26 January 2015

Task 1:
Create a power statement; make sure not to exceed 10 sentences.

1. Improved the performance of project system in 6 months.

2. Developed the technology services and build good relationship with customs.

3. Suggested a control panel services program that increased 35% customs.

4. Designed a work report program that reduced the total problem resolution time from 3 days to 24 hours each project.

5. Improved the technology requirement and saved over $400,000 in annual revenue. 

6. Organized and managed different project at the same time. 

Task 2:
Ask 2 of your classmates to edit it for you.

Task 3:
Use this statement on your LinkedIn profile. Link to your instructor and 10  of your peers.

Tuesday 6 January 2015

Task 1:

Which verb completes the phrase? Fill in the table below by ticking the correct column.

1. a lot of noise
2. your homework
3. always _________ excuses

4. breakfast
5. lots of family photos
6. friends easily
7. nothing all the time
8. sugar in your coffee
9. supper
10. the bed
11. the cooking
12. the dishes
13. the ironing
14. the laundry
15. a lot of mistakes
16. the housework

Task 2:

Check your answers with your peers and then use at least five of these collocations to put them in sentences of your own.

1. I told my daughter: please do your homework first once you arrived home.

2. I made a lot of mistakes on my last exam.

3. The boy make a lot of noise in the garden.

4. He usually take breakfast at 7am.

5. Please don't take sugar in your coffer.