Wednesday 19 November 2014

Learning English in China and Canada

Learning English in China and Canada are totally different, especial speaking English In China, mostly we learning English from class and the teacher teach English in Chinese. That means they are explaining the grammar and tense in Chinese. Although we have a few channel which speaking news in English and have various English newspaper, but all of them is not good enough to learning how to speaking English. Because we learned most English from book but not actual life, and we don't have environment to using and speaking English. Therefore, most Chinese student are good at reading and writing but weak at speaking and listening. Compare with China, English is an official language in Canada, we are all around in English environment here. We are learning English from anywhere and anything. There are so many information you can get in English such as community center, bus station and supermarket etc. The important things that we are learning English from day by day in actual life. We learning tense and grammar from speaking and listening in naturally. So that, it will make things more easily to learning how to speaking English from actual life then the book.

Learning English in China and Canada

Learning English in China and Canada are totally different, especial speaking English In China, mostly we learning English from class and the teacher teach English in Chinese. That means they are explaining the grammar and tense in Chinese. Although we have a few channel which speaking news in English and have various English newspaper, but all of them is not good enough to learning how to speaking English. Because we learned most English from book but not actual life, and we don't have environment to using and speaking English. Therefore, most Chinese student are good at reading and writing but weak at speaking and listening. Compare with China, English is an official language in Canada, we are all around in English environment here. We are learning English from anywhere and anything. There are so many information you can get in English such as community center, bus station and supermarket etc. The important things that we are learning English from day by day in actual life. We learning tense and grammar from speaking and listening in naturally. So that, it will make things more easily to learning how to speaking English from actual life then the book.

Friday 14 November 2014

Women's Suffrage

1. Women in Canada obtained the right to vote in 1918. 2. More than two years after the women of Manitoba became the first to vote at the provincial level. 3. From 1850, women with property, married or single, could vote for school trustees. 4. The public debate in Ontario began among members of the Toronto Women's Literary Club, a screen for suffrage activities created in 1876 by Dr. Emily, Canada's first woman doctor. 5. Valuable support came in the 1890's from the Woman's Christian Temperance Union, whose leaders saw votes for women as necessary in achieving prohibition. 6. In 1910, the respected and influential National Council of Women spoke out for suffrage. 7. The WCTU was also active in Manitoba, where women's suffrage had first been proposed in the 1870's. 8. On 24 May 1918, all female "citizens" aged 21 and over became eligible to vote in federal elections. 9. Aboriginal women were allowed to vote in federal elections in 1960.